Personal Data Policy

Smith Innovation protects your data. We collect and process personal data from anyone who interacts with us, including those who take part in our innovation processes, apply for grants, visit our websites, or contact us in any other way. We always do this in line with the law. Read our privacy policy below to learn more about how we handle your data. 

Smith’s privacy policy is divided into the following sections: 

  1. Data Controller and Contact Information 
  2. Smith's Processing of Personal Data for: 
  3. Participants in Innovation Processes 
  4. Applicants 
  5. Website Visitors 
  6. Security 
  7. Your Rights 

You can read about how we process your personal data in section 2, depending on your relationship with Smith. Sections 1, 3, and 4 apply to everyone whose personal data we process. 

1. Data Controller and Contact Information 

Smith Innovation, Frederiksholms Kanal 

20, entrance A1, 1220 København K 

CVR: 31894107 

Tel. (+45) 29 21 04 78 


2. Smith’s Processing of Personal Data  

2.1 Participants in Innovation Processes 

Smith collects and processes personal data about participants in innovation programs for various purposes, including: 

  • Completion of innovation programs 
  • Participation in events 

The personal data we collect about participants in innovation programs includes, among other things, name, title, company, email, and phone numbers. This information is collected when you provide it to us. We use this information, among other things, to keep you informed about the specific innovation program, as well as to send you information about other relevant news and events. 

We only use your personal information to carry out the specific innovation program you are participating in and to send you news and invitations to other relevant events. You always have the option to indicate that you do not wish to receive further emails or other information from us. 


We do not share your information with others unless it is part of executing the innovation process for our client— in such cases, it will be clear that we are carrying out the process on behalf of a client. Smith does not collect personal data from third parties about you. The information that Smith collects from participants in innovation programs is not sold or disclosed to third parties without consent. It may, under certain circumstances and according to the law, be necessary to disclose information to public authorities or the police. 

Deletion of Personal Data 

Your personal data will be deleted when we no longer need to process it for one or more of the above purposes. However, statistical data may be processed and stored longer in anonymized form. 

2.2 Applicants for philanthropic grants 

Smith collects and processes personal data about applicants for philanthropic grants on behalf of the relevant association or foundation for various purposes, including: 

  • Processing grant applications 
  • Identifying previous applicants 

The purpose of processing information, including personal data related to philanthropic grants, is to ensure that decisions regarding grants are made on the most well-founded basis possible and to uncover any connections to previous and other philanthropic applications and projects. 

Here you can see how Smith records and uses the information you are asked to provide as an applicant, as well as the information you provide or the traces you leave when you otherwise use the offered services. 

When filling out application forms, you will be asked to enter a number of personal details, including: name, phone number, and email. 

We use your personal data to process your application. 

Smith does not collect information about visitors' profiles on its own initiative. If you provide information—such as in an electronic grant application—the entered information is used solely in connection with the requested service. 


Smith only shares information with the philanthropic association or foundation behind the program so that the application can be processed in their system. Smith does not sell personal data to third parties. However, where the law requires data to be disclosed to authorities, such disclosure may occur. 

Deletion of Personal Data 

Regarding grant applications, we retain information about you and your project to identify whether you have previously applied, as long as this information is relevant to us. 

Your personal data will be deleted when we no longer need to process it for one or more of the above purposes. However, statistical data may be processed and stored longer in anonymized form. 

2.3 Visitors to the website 

Smith collects personal data via the websites and 

Smith collects and processes personal data about visitors for various purposes, including: 

  • Statistics 
  • Optimization of user experience 

The personal data we collect about visitors to our websites includes general internet data about your visit and your IP address. When you visit and, our web server registers your visit using so-called cookies, which are small data files used for collecting web statistics. 

The web server primarily stores general internet data about your visit—such as which pages you have visited, the time of your visit, and the duration of your visit. We use this information to generate statistics about the traffic on our website. Additionally, we record your computer’s IP address. 

Smith does not collect personal data from third parties about you. The information that Smith collects via the websites is not sold or disclosed to third parties without consent. 

However, it may also be necessary, under certain circumstances and according to the law, to disclose information to public authorities or the police. 

3. Security, etc. 

Smith naturally treats all data confidentially and in accordance with the applicable regulations in data protection legislation. 

Who has access to your information? 

As a general rule, all information is used solely internally within Smith. However, Smith may grant selected IT partners access to work systematically with the database containing personal data if it is necessary for the operation and development of our websites. 

For philanthropic applications, personal information is shared with the relevant association or foundation that grants the funds. This information is processed in accordance with our privacy policy and other applicable measures for confidentiality and security, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). 

Security and data storage 

We have implemented security measures to ensure that our internal procedures meet our high security policy standards. We strive to protect the quality and integrity of your personal information to the best of our ability. 

4. Your rights 

You can request access to the personal data you have provided to Smith at any time, with certain legal exceptions. You also have the right to object to the collection and further processing of your information. Additionally, you can request that we delete, block, or correct the information. 

You have the right to receive your data, which you have provided to us, in a machine-readable format and to have your data transmitted to another data controller. 

You can withdraw any consents you may have given at any time. We will then delete your information unless we can continue processing it on another basis. 

If you wish to access or correct your personal data, or if you want to withdraw a given consent, you can contact us at You can also write to us at the following address: Frederiksholms Kanal 30, entrance A1, 1220 Copenhagen K. 


If you wish to complain about the processing of your personal information, you can contact us via email, phone, or mail as indicated above. You can also contact the Danish Data Protection Agency at Borgergade 28, 5th floor, 1300 Copenhagen K.