
With a combination of in-depth construction knowledge and solid experience in innovation management and development processes, we create clear frameworks in uncertain terrain and ensure the right conditions for innovation - all the way from idea to implemented solution.


- Creating unity between deep knowledge and strong interests

Smith facilitates partnerships where there is a strong alignment between shared vision and action in practice. We help to establish the common ground and shared objectives/goals that enable individuals in the partnership to do what they do best while moving in the same direction.


- For mutual understanding and fair dialogue.

We mature and develop markets and businesses, especially where they are not yet established. We do this by systematising integrated innovation processes and ensuring that human, physical, economic and legal aspects of market introduction are addressed.


- Guiding action.

Smith provides innovative and reflective evaluations where learning from the past and present informs future action. Evaluations serve as a developmental tool with an innovative focus, and we always work with the overarching vision as our guiding beacon.


- Bringing everyone's knowledge and perspectives into play.

We create safe spaces for dialogue on topics that may be difficult to discuss. It's important to us that everyone's perspectives are brought into play, qualified and maintained on an equal footing.

New understandings

- Opening up to new solutions.

The way you talk about a problem determines what you can do about it. So if you want to explore new avenues, you need new frameworks of understanding.


- Providing overview and direction.

Smith offers both qualitative analyses, focusing on the relationships between people and organisations, and quantitative analyses with a strong data base, providing a comprehensive overview.

Foundation for Decision-Making

- Ensuring a professional, transparent and efficient processing of ideas

We manage administrative processes transparently and informatively, creating decision-making processes that facilitate the achievement of overall objectives.

Meeting venues

- For mutual understanding and dialogue on equal terms.

We make the professional and sometimes serious fun. Although the challenges are serious, we believe that enthusiasm is as important as knowledge. Lasting change depends on desire and willpower, so it's important that we come together to celebrate progress and milestones with each other and the outside world.


- Articulating words and images of a desirable future.

We create visions that consider the individual, the organisation and the field of work. Our visions are created with respect for professional knowledge, understanding of the subject area, and societal development.