
Victoria Kuntze

With a holistic view towards integrated solutions, Victoria works for a construction sector within the planetary boundaries by exploring practical approaches for buildings and businesses to reduce their consumption.

Through her secretarial role within Innovation to Market, Victoria has deep insight into the challenges and barriers within the construction industry, as well as the latest developments in materials, technical solutions, circularity and go-to-market strategies for companies. 

Her attention to detail in a wider context and her adept project coordination across multiple stakeholders make Victoria a key player in ensuring project timelines and goals is met, products are thoroughly developed, and teams remain cohesive. 

Victoria plays a central role in project management, structuring projects and organising workshops and conferences. Her strong organisational skills ensure seamless processes and consistent outcomes across all facets of her responsibilities. 

The future is now

Furthermore, Victoria manages Smith's digital backbone, handling large amounts of data with insight and understanding of the brief as well as the client needs. Her curiosity for change and her holistic view is essential in this role. 

With a background in geography, the interaction between urban and natural environments is a cornerstone of Victoria's approach to projects. Concepts such as city and countryside, people and nature, component and concept work symbiotically in her work on projects such as climate-friendly housing, nature-based flood protection and the challenges of groundwater management for municipalities.