
Innovation to Market

Project duration
Innovation to Market is a support scheme that helps bring new sustainable construction solutions to market.


"Innovation to Market” was created to address the challenge that too many new sustainable products for the construction industry fail to make the transition from idea to market. This means that they are never used repeatedly or even introduced in construction practice. 


Innovation to Market builds on the experience of the Realdania’s TEST campaign, which provided financial support and advice for the market maturity of sustainable construction solutions from 2011 to 2015. The TEST campaign showed that companies still need support in bringing new sustainable products to the construction market on a large scale. 

Innovation to Market therefore continues to focus on market and customer up-scaling, so that new sustainable products are used in real construction projects and enter the market on a large scale in Denmark and abroad. 

Smith Innovation is the professional secretariat for Innovation to Market and has been responsible for formulating the initiative. 


Innovation to Market is an initiative with Realdania’s innovation campaign that is aimed at companies in the construction industry. It will run from mid-2018 until 2027, with three application rounds per year. In addition, the scheme has calls with a special focus, such as ‘Green digital solutions for construction’. Companies applying to the scheme can receive counselling the form of mentoring or financial support - the aim being to help them make the first, often difficult, sales by introducing new sustainable products to the construction industry.