
Housing Construction from 4 to 1 Planet

Realdania og VILLUM FONDEN
Project duration
The publication is released as part of the “Housing from 4 to 1 Planet” initiative. This initiative is supported by the philanthropic organisations Realdania and VILLUM FOUNDATION. The publication summarises the findings of the proposals received in response to the open calls "Next Generation Architecture" and "Sustainable Solutions" and the related jury meetings.

The Housing from 4 to 1 Planet initiative was launched with the clear goal of reducing the carbon footprint of new homes by 75 percent. This ambitious goal cannot be achieved by continuing with traditional building practices or by making incremental improvements. We need completely new solutions, methods, materials and approaches. Such a goal requires significant innovation, which is why Realdania and the VILLUM FOUNDATION have formed a partnership to address current challenges and contribute to solutions that will ultimately move Danish housing in a significantly greener direction. 

Through the initiative's two open calls, 'Sustainable Solutions' and 'Next Generation Architecture', we have endeavoured to reach out to all actors in the construction industry - from architects and consultants to product developers, manufacturers and contractors - and thus involve the widest possible range of the value chain.