
INDICATE - Accelerating Climate Requirements for Buildings in Europe

Laudes Foundation
Buildings Performance Institute Europe (BPIE), World Green Building Council, KU Leuven
Project duration
2022 - 2024
In order to reduce the climate footprint of buildings, and not just the energy consumption during the building operation, it is necessary to introduce climate requirements that cover the entire lifecycle of a building. The aim of the INDICATE accelerator is to spread the experience with building climate requirements, as we know it from countries like Denmark, to other European countries. The initial focus will be on Spain, Ireland and the Czech Republic.

Smith Innovation is the overall programme manager for the INDICATE accelerator. The accelerator will support national consortia to develop a national methodology for calculating the climate footprint of buildings, and to collect and analyse a minimum of 50 climate calculations representative of the country's building stock. This will provide the necessary data base and ensure that the industry is supported in the introduction of climate requirements for buildings. The national consortia consist of industry representatives in the form of local Green Building Councils, research institutions and relevant authorities. The support is a combination of financial assistance and professional advising on technical climate calculations and the political development of new legislation. 

We facilitate the partnership between BPIE, the World Green Building Council, KU Leuven, and the Laudes Foundation. Smith is also responsible for creating networks across the national consortia in Spain, Ireland, and the Czech Republic. 

On the project, Smith delivers: 

  • Overall programme management 
  • Dialogue with and reporting to the Laudes Foundation 
  • Network building across national consortia 
  • Administrative support for the national consortia 
  • Development of the accelerator website 
  • Responsibility for partnerships and fundraising to expand to other countries 

In our approach to overall programme management and partnership building, we maintain a constant strategic focus on overarching objectives. This is combined with a commitment to ensuring progress by motivating and a willingness to facilitate a space that welcomes individual partners to contribute and offer their expertise. 

The establishment of the network structure between the consortia focuses on sharing experiences on an equal footing, supporting partners in their role as change agents. Likewise, we are committed to ensuring that network activities contribute to progress in individual national projects and work in formats that can be taken home after meetings. 

At Smith, we see the climate challenge as a first step towards systematically reducing the construction sector's impact on the planet across multiple parameters. The Accelerator is initiating important work to promote the life-cycle approach, which includes the embedded resource consumption of materials. At a national level, INDICATE contributes to change the long-standing focus on the energy consumption of buildings to a more holistic perspective.