Student Assistant

Sarah Kukkiriza Ndagire

A dynamic professional with a background in architecture, Sarah combines design and business expertise. Her portfolio demonstrates her ability to navigate cultural and environmental contexts in the midst of planetary transition, with innovative, site-responsive projects in diverse environments from Australia to Uganda.

Having founded and managed a wellness and creative brand, Sarah has gained invaluable insight into sustainable business practices, including marketing, sales and collaborative stakeholder engagement. This, combined with her architectural experience in practice management and construction project supervision, further enhances her capabilities in her new role.

Sarah's international background, having lived, studied and worked in several countries including the UK, Australia, Uganda and now Denmark, brings a deeply inclusive and empathetic perspective to her communications work. This diverse exposure enables her to effectively engage with global audiences and navigate cultural nuances, fostering meaningful connections and impactful communication strategies.

Innovation and impact thrive on cross-cultural collaboration

Now studying for a Masters in Social Science - Strategic Design and Entrepreneurship (in addition to her MA in Architecture), Sarah is ready to apply the knowledge and skills she is learning to consultancy, particularly in innovative and emerging areas. With a strong understanding of the importance of design thinking in solving complex problems, she is able to facilitate effective communication and collaboration across industries to drive positive change and innovation.  

Her journey from a traditional architectural role to consultancy is a reflection of her commitment to exploring new horizons that are hopeful for the planet and have a meaningful impact on the built environment.